Sustainability presentation
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In alignment with the 1.5° C scenario set forth in the Paris Agreement, a 2050 emissions intensity target for our steel mills of 0.12 metric tons of CO₂e per metric ton of hot rolled steel produced.
Interim 2030 emissions intensity target of 0.80 metric tons of CO₂e per metric ton of hot rolled steel produced, representing a 15% reduction, compared to our 2022 base year.
New targets were established using GSCC’s Steel Climate Standard, which includes key GHG emissions through hot rolling from Scope 1, Scope 2, and upstream Scope 3 categories.
The GSCC Steel Climate Standard science-based emissions target certification is aligned with the Paris Agreement’s goals and with the International Energy Agency’s Net Zero by 2050: A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector.
Our targets and 2022 base year data were independently verified by a third-party in accordance with the GSCC’s Steel Climate Standard and were certified by the GSCC.
Download our sustainability presentation as an interactive pdf.
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